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Registered Agent Service

Business entities like LLCs and corporations are required to appoint a registered agent when they form.


Price is intended as annual fee per unit (company and/or state we represent in).

Our address is intended to be listed with the Secretary of State's office to show a company has an Agent on file to represent them.


All other applications you will want to use your own addresses (banking items, insurance, personal, Amazon, etc.), or possibly order a Mail Forwarding or Virtual Office service, if needed.


We cannot accept Google or Amazon verification cards sent to our Registered Agent address in any state. You would need to use your own mailing address for this, or order Virtual Office services for Amazon specifically. We’re not able to accept Google verification cards at any of our locations.


Once we're hired to represent a company in a particular state, we do give our permission for you to use our address with your state filings for privacy, at your discretion.

Registered Agent Service

خيارات السعر
شراء لمرة واحدة
RA Annual
Automatic registered agent renewal
95.00$كل سنة حتى يتم الإلغاء
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